Sometimes the Smallest Step in the Right Direction...
Ends up Being the Biggest Step of Your Life.
Tip Toe if You Must, but Take The Step.

"When you come into our office, what is most important is that you feel comfortable and at ease. We offer comprehensive mental health services for children, pre-teens, teens and adults, with a special emphasis on women and relationships.
"Because the therapeutic relationship will be the foundation for all other therapeutic interventions, first and foremost is you feeling comfortable and at ease. Therapy will help you by looking at the personal obstacles and finding solutions to restore your peace and happiness."
For Children and Adolescents
Throughout their lives, most children and teens go through difficult times, such as the divorce of their parents, trouble making friends, or adjusting to changes at school or home. Some children or teens
need more help than others to get through these times. If you are concerned about your child or teen's
adjustment or behavior, therapy can help.
For Young Adults, Adults and Parenting Concerns
Communication struggles, broken trust, repeated patterns of conflicts, difficulty adjusting to a mental
or physical diagnosis, unresolved issues within a relationship, unresolved issues from the past, delayed
or prolonged grief, and many other issues that can occur in one's life. Then goals can be set and
therapeutic interventions applied so you may move toward returning to happiness.

Seeking out therapy is a difficult decision.
We can all be reminded that it is in strength, not weakness that help is asked for and guidance is sought. When we are experiencing adversity, that is when it is the most difficult time to ask for help and when the most bravery is demonstrated.